5 Spiritual Practices to help NOW!

Casey Hofhenke
7 min readMay 15, 2022

You should definitely meditate; for as long as you possibly can, preferably first thing in the morning, before coffee!

For sure, you should be journaling, writing down gratitude's, goals, and recollecting your dreams.

100%…do yoga while concentrating on breathing, working towards that goal of eventual astral travel to multi-dimensional realms where you visit with your spirit guides so you can find out what exactly you are doing here.

Without a shadow of a doubt, you should be researching the real history of our time here on earth, figuring out spiritual practices that have since been hidden from the public, and finding which one works for you.

Buuuuutttttt…all of that takes a ton of time and loads of discipline. While the results, we are told, can be everything we ever hope for…a lot of us need help now. I mean right now, have you seen the price of gas? We are stressed!

Fear not, spiritual bad asses, for I’m going to give you five tested and proven (only by me) daily practices that are guaranteed (not really, but maybe) to help you feel like you might have just a little bit more of a handle on the rat race we call life(but idk tho)!

Terms and Service Agreement

Okay, now that you’ve agreed to the terms and services, here we go!

  1. What is your aim?

A lot of us go to jobs that we hate, that seem utterly meaningless, but are absolutely necessary to continue to feed and house ourselves and our loved ones. Good news! There is a way out, there always is, but we have to know what we want and we need to put that out into the universe.

Mondays can be especially stressful and dreadful, so I like to start Monday morning with an exercise in establishing what my ideal day would be. Try to keep it attainable, as much as chilling poolside and day drinking might be your ideal scenario, you are likely going to need a source of income. Say it’s Monday, it’s a workday, how would that ideal day play out for you? Take your time, mentally picture the entire day. Got it? Great, now what small (or big) step are you going to take today to start the path to attaining that goal?

I also like to give myself an end of week check in. What did I do awesome this week? What could I have done better, what goals did I set that I failed to advance? What am I going to celebrate? Be real with yourself, hold yourself accountable, celebrate your wins!

2. Self Observation

Do you ever notice how many things you do without thinking about them, like at all? Do you think about walking, or do you just walk wherever you want? How about driving, do you think about pushing the gas, gently braking, or following the rules of the road as you hurry to work? Think about how many things your “machine body” does mechanically without you actively telling it what to do, wild right? Do you feel like you can’t remember anything, like you are just going through the motions of life and you can’t remember what you had for lunch, let alone what happened a week ago? That’s because you probably are, and you aren’t taking any time to remember yourself!

This seems simple and probably not that important, but I challenge you to “remember yourself” and take time throughout the day to think about what you are doing, instead of letting your mechanical body mindlessly do it’s thing. It’s a lot harder than it seems, but this practice has helped me significantly in carrying out my intentions throughout the day, as well as remembering things that are important to me.

If you want to take it one more step, observe how many times you express negativity outward, and try to limit these as much as possible. It is said, negativity feeds off negativity, and you don’t want to be serving up the goods to the dark side on a sliver platter!

3. Practice abundance, not scarcity!

Fear is based on scarcity. You don’t have enough food, enough gas, enough money, enough time. It’s actually easier than it sounds and shifting your mindset to one of abundance as opposed to scarcity is one of the most important things you can immediately do in your daily life. Instead of focusing on the fear that we don’t have enough, we can put faith in ourselves that we will always have more than we’ll need. It’s not as much manifesting money in our bank account or a new house, as it is getting out of our own way.

I’d already been practicing the law of abundance for quite some time, with incredible results, when I came across a book that helped even further my practice. My wife and I had rented a little lake house for a quick weekend getaway, and I happened to look at the bookshelf to see if there was anything interesting there, as I often do! Turns out I found a book that would change my life again for the better, almost like it was meant to happen huh? Anyhow, for the best explanation I’ve found on this topic of utmost importance, here is this fantastic book!


4. Release the “kinks”

You may want to acquire certain things in life, but are having trouble doing so. No matter what you try, there seems to be a barrier of some sort between you and what you really want. It seems like you are doing all the right things, so what gives?

It’s a good practice to analyze our relationship with the things we desire, or don’t for that matter. Do you think money is evil? Good luck manifesting a future where you have more of it. Why would money want to hang out with you while you are being so judgemental? Is money evil, or is it the love of money beyond all else?

Think about your relationship with everything in your life. How many negative judgments do you have? Are they really justified? Are holding those beliefs making your life better? Are the helping you achieve your goals? Most likely the answer to those last three questions are going to be a resounding no, if you are being honest with yourself.

Like a hose, if any part of it in kinked, water won’t be able to flow through. Practice removing your “kinks” and helping your objectives reach the desired destination.

5. Law Of Three and the Law Of The Octaves

Sounds ominous, right?

It’s not though. The law goes, there are three energies affecting our paths in life. Positive, Negative, and Neutralizing. The positive and negative work against each other. Often times we expend so much energy in the positive overcoming the negative, we don’t have enough to complete the objective.

We have goals, but we have numerous obstacles in the way of achieving them. So much so they can seem insurmountable, and they often are, without understanding the Law Of Three and using it to our advantage.

When we are out of energy, the negative seems to be outweighing the positive, we can find a way to “neutralize” the negative energy. This is most commonly done by finding some sort of new information, new motivation, that helps the positive again outweigh the negative. For me, this is most easily done by listening to podcasts and reading books on the subject I’m trying to figure out. The more you practice this, the more you might find that just the right information will appear at exactly the exact time of need(the book in the lake house, for example).

More complicated but closely related in the law of the Octaves. Long story short, octaves are the path our lives are heading. Every change, or failure to change, will lead our path up or down at slight angle. Our paths are never a straight line, so if we let the path continue in the same direction we can actually end of going backwards and end up right back where we started. Sound familiar? Diets, workouts, resolutions, jobs, relationships…..I know I could apply that principle to many times in my prior mishaps.

But again, we can use this understanding to our advantage. Once you understand this path, you will physically feel the shift start, and that will be your Que to introduce new information to ensure you continue on the path you intend to, instead up ending up right back where you started.

I learned about these laws in this book that I cannot recommend highly enough!


Give these practices a try, I’m confident as can be that they will produce immediate results. Your spiritual journey should not be rushed, it will not be easy, nor should it be. However, we all deserve some wins while we focus hard on The Great Work, and these simple daily spiritual check ins will help us get some! Tell next time Spiritual Bad Asses, raise your hands in triumph, for you did it!



Casey Hofhenke

Fighter turned writer, exploring the meaning of life.